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Project results from the field of application of wide usage of electric bikes in urban and regional mobility

Results from the initial analysis

The analysis of transformation processes thus far has shown, that electric bikes can lead to more ecological and social sustainability. Despite a lack of significant political funding, a substantial market for e-bikes has developed within the span of only a few years. Moreover, with proper backing, this development could be strengthened even further. This should constitute one aspect of a sustainably-designed comprehensive strategy for mobility and transport.

More information can be found on this poster about the field of application.


Results from the first project workshop at the International Sustainability Transitions Conference on 9. September 2016

The first project workshop took place at the 7. International Sustainability Transitions (IST 2016) Conference in Wuppertal, Germany. As one of several side events, the workshop presented project results, supplemented by additional input from external experts for all three fields of application. An open discussion of the results then took place.

External experts Dr. Frederic Rudolph from Wuppertal Institute und Frank Joneit from the Regional Association Ruhr spoke on the topics of political measures, the ecological potential and infrastructure for e-bikes.

Presentations from the workshop can be found here:

Transformation towards light electric mobility: Past dynamics and current challenges; Ruth Blanck, Öko-Institut

Policy measures for the use of e-bikes and their environmental potential, Dr. Frederic Rudolph, Wuppertal Institut

Cycle Highway Ruhr (RS1): Our way towards e-mobility; Frank Joneit, Regionalverband Ruhr



Results from the second project workshop on the SustEcon Conference on 25. September 2017

The second project workshop took place at the SustEcon Conference in Berlin, Germany. As part of several side events, the project team presented primal results, completed by suplementery input from external experts for the three fields of application. Finally, an open discussion of the presented results took place.

In the area of the wide use of electric bicycles, the experts Ruth Blanck (Öko-Institute), Kerstin Stark (team referendum bicycle) as well as Thomic Ruschmeyer (Federal Association Solar Mobility) spoke on transformations to uncomplicated electromobility, the referendum bicycle and the integration of electric two-wheelers in the urban traffic.

The presentation can be found here:

Arrangement of the transformation towards uncomplicated electromobility - transformation towards electromobility (E-Bikes); Ruth Blanck, Öko-Institut