Work in the fields of application
The fields of application serve to check the practical applicability of the theoretical framework, and highlight where modifications or supplementation may be necessary. For this a comprehensive analysis will first be conducted to characterize the transformation process in each of the fields of application considered. Along with a description of the status quo (considering the eight system elements of the governance model), changes that happened so far will be examined and existing goals for the future will be identified. In addition to this comprehensive analysis, practice initiatives for each of the fields of application will be conducted.
The transition to paperless publishing and reading has occurred thus far without concrete sustainability goals
The transformation towards paperless publishing and reading has been strongly influenced by technical advancements and market innovations. From a sustainability perspective this transformation has occurred rather ambivalently. While there is the potential to reduce paper consumption and related problems, the rise in the use of IT devices also brings with it its own ecological and social issues. Thus the rise of e-books replaces the consumption of wood for paper production with that of scarce rare materials for the manufacturing of reading devices, standby losses from charging devices, and non-visible energy usage in network and computer cloud centres distributing and managing digital content, etc. Along with the altered resource input and environmental effects, financing conditions and business models are also changed.
One of the tasks within this field of application is thus to distinguish problem areas and identify sustainable development goals for the sector. Already existing sustainability analyses will be used here to unmask strengths and weaknesses and, when possible, develop technology recommendations. Practice initiatives should also be accompanied and impulses for niche development given.
Do electric bikes have the potential to change our mobility behavior?
The replacement of automobiles by electric bikes in urban and regional mobility would allow for a significant reduction in the level of greenhouse gases (compare: electric bike 18 g CO2-eq./pkm, car 250 g CO2-eq./pkm). However, which steps beyond further technical advancements need to be taken to strengthen their usage? In addition to the comprehensive analysis of the transformation in the e-bike sector, two practice initiatives play an important role.
Firstly, a scientific examination of the potential and effects of the rental of electric bikes in tourism regions will be conducted. The best practice example of electric bike rental in Dahme-Spreewald will be studied. Data on the on-site use as well as visitor surveys and expert interviews will be analysed. The important aspect of the impact on everyday mobility of the user will be addressed in the visitor surveys. Content-wise, Movelo will support the Öko-Institut, also managing the communication “on scene”.
Furthermore, in cooperation with the city of Munich and the Munich Mobility Society (MVG), the initiative Electric Bikes for New Residents will be realized. As one might expect, new living situations are often accompanied by a willingness to try new things. Thus in order to demonstrate to “new residents” the possibilities provided by e-bikes, such as in their work commute, they will be given the opportunity to try out an e-bike for a week. Omniphon will conduct interviews with participants of the program in order to get an impression of people’s view of electric bikes, before and then after the test week. The results are expected to demonstrate the effectiveness of such a test-week in changing mobility behaviors. Green City e.V. will act as the on-site contact with bike rental companies.
Sustainable Production and Consumption of Meat
The production and consumption of meat is currently the subject of intensive discussion in Germany. Three topics lie at the centre of this discussion: animal welfare, health and environmental impact, including climate protection. Furthermore, low- and non-meat diets are gaining in popularity even if absolute level still is low, and the meat consumption per capital has been in decline for a few years.
Within the framework of this project, initiatives and action fields focusing on sustainable meat production and a reduction of meat consumption will be assessed. More concretely, aspects of implementation relating to the private “Tierwohl-Initiaitve” (animal welfare initiative), product range policy, pricing and new approaches to industrycommunal catering, among others, will be considered in the assessment. Medium-term financing issues within the frame of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU will also be addressed.
Networking and exchange through workshops
In order to analyse the current situation and important transformation challenges, as well as to develop goals and governance recommendations, several workshops with practice partners will be conducted in all three fields of application, over the course of the project. These workshops will allow for a “practice-check” for project work up to that point, in addition to providing for the discussion and integration of various societal perspectives in each field. Furthermore, the workshops will provide a platform for networking between pro-transformation actors.
Workshops currently planned can be found here.