Collaboration with actors in the field
Trafo 3.0 is a transdisciplinary project. Various actors in the field support the work of the research-ers and vice versa.
NRW Consumer Organisation
The NRW (North Rhine-Westphalia) consumer organisation is responsible for promoting the inter-ests of consumers in the continued development of a design model. It is also assisting the project in the formulation of governance recommendations in the three application fields.
Further information of the NRW consumer organisation can be found here.
The German publishing and marketing agency Literaturtest organises the annual "future!publish" convention in Berlin which focuses on the future of publishing. As the organiser of the convention Literaturtest connects of the research project with numerous relevant actor groups. This allows for a direct exchange and a discussion of the project results with book retailers, publishers and authors.
Futher information on Literaturtest can be found here
The city of Munich and the Munich Transportation Company (MVG)
The city of Munich and the Munich Transportation Company (MVG) are cooperating partners in the initia-tive „E-Bikes for new residents to test”. The initiative offers new residents in Munich the opportunity to try out an E-Bike for a week. This trial is coupled with a survey in order to analyse potential interest in E-Bikes both before and after the trial period. The city of Munich and the MVG are responsible for the integration of the E-Bike offer in the new resident welcome folder and for supporting the Öko-Institut in conducting the survey. Further information on the new resident project can be foundhere
Green City e.V.
Green City e.V., a Munich environmental organisation, assumes the research and contact with the main E-Bike lenders in Munich as well as the negotiation of general conditions for the rental as well as oversight of the lenders over the offer period. Further information on Green City e.V. can be foundhere
The marketing and sales firm Omniphon manages the organization of the issuing of e-bike gift certificates for new residents in Munich as well as the survey of new residents. Further information on Omniphon can be found here.
gv-praxis is an economics magazine directed towards communal catering. It is a communication and information platform for numerous actors in the communal catering industry and organises, among others, a yearly International Management Forum for Communal Gastronomy and Catering. (IMF). gv-praxis has allowed for a practice partner workshop on the sustainable production and consumption of meat within this annual forum. Further information on gv-praxis can be found here.